With an unwavering commitment to quality, we aim to be among the leading companies in the fields of non-medicinal veterinary products, animal cosmetics, biocidal products, feed additives, ointments, and tablet sales. We encourage contributions that enhance the "Quality" level according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018, and foster a service approach that does not settle for current "Quality" standards. To continuously improve our quality level and ensure sustainability by increasing efficiency, we closely monitor and implement advancements in science and technology using our resources effectively. We selectively recruit personnel and employ individuals who have received appropriate training for the positions they will fulfill, ensuring that they are competent, knowledgeable, skilled, and experienced in our company's areas of operation. We instill in them a culture of teamwork. By continually improving our existing Quality Management System and ensuring the continuity of Standard requirements, we strive to enhance customer satisfaction and ensure its sustainability. We comply with all applicable legal requirements in all relevant activities within the company, ensuring the effective use of all available resources and enhancing efficiency. We maintain our commitment to ongoing improvements in customer satisfaction. Our Quality Policy is established by the senior management of our company to guide our efforts, ensure that all employees approach their work with the same perspective, and build a corporate culture.
With an unwavering commitment to quality, we aim to be among the leading companies in the fields
of animal food, premixes, and feed additive sales.
In the scope of Food and Feed Safety, we aim to identify potential hazards from the procurement
stage to our customers, prevent and control all risks, adhere to necessary hygiene and
cleanliness standards, and ensure sustainability.
We strive to comply with legal and other requirements, standards, and meet customer needs and
expectations related to Food and Feed Safety.
We commit to communicate Food and Feed Safety-related information throughout the food chain by
engaging with suppliers, contractors, customers, and regulatory authorities through internal and
external communications.
To ensure the adequacy, competence, and effectiveness of Food and Feed Safety Management
Systems, we conduct necessary audit activities, review them, and allocate sufficient resources
for continuous improvement.
We selectively recruit personnel and employ individuals who have received appropriate training
for the positions they will fulfill, ensuring that they are competent, knowledgeable, skilled,
and experienced in our company's areas of operation.
Throughout all stages of our operations, prioritizing the requirements of Food and Feed Safety
Management Systems, we aim to continuously improve and enhance our products, processes,
operations, and suppliers to provide our customers with reliable, quality products.
We educate and raise awareness among our employees about our Food and Feed Safety Management
Systems, develop their competencies, and aim to establish a culture of food safety awareness
through their contributions.
This is our FOOD SAFETY POLICY, established to ensure the highest standards of food and feed
safety across all aspects of our operations.